Monday, May 7, 2007

I'm So Tired zzzzzzz.......

Just came back to work after the long CNY break. Nobody at work but a skeleton crew as most people are still on an extended break till the end of the week. I SHOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING!!!!!!

Someone up there has a sick sense of humor. As soon as my alarm clock goes off this morning, so too starts the pitter patter of raindrops on my roof, rubbing in the fact that some people are still enjoying a restful sleep while I'm going back to the daily grind :(

I'm sitting in the office right now, about to nod off and the nice cool weather outside isn't helping. Things are so quiet in the office as most of our clients are still on a break, so there's nothing much to do.

I would love very much right now to go eat snake (goof off), but unfortunately, there's nobody online I can IM at the moment.

OK. I'm gonna find a quiet spot to nod off for a few minutes. Weather outside is getting more and more conducive for a snooze. Sob! Sob! How I wish I'm at home right now all snug and warm under my comforter :(


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