Friday, August 24, 2007

Blacksheep's Musings

It's amazing how the rest of my family, relatives included are so "Brady Bunch" clean cut, yet out pops yours truly, totally wild and defiantly adamant about being different.

Amongst Mom's many complaints:

  • Look at your brother, already staying in his own place, not parents' place or rental, but his own place. Sheesh! So what?! At least I don't have to contend with all that mortgage payment shit.
  • Your brother already has a good job with an obscene salary but is now considering employment overseas to earn even more. That's drive for you! Riiiiigggttttt. And every minute he's busting his ass for $$$$ is another minute of his life gone. Is it worth it?
  • Look at your cousin, fresh graduate and so much younger than you yet already has her life planned. You (rolls eyes), you're still drifting about like floatsam with not a clue about what you want to do with yourself. Actually, I do! I wanna enjoy and LIVE every minute of my life. If it means having less ambition compared to the rest of them slaves, so be it. Carpe Diem!!!!!!

Here's a glimpse of what family gatherings are like for me.

  • My mom will be gathered with her sisters talking about their auntie things.
  • Dad together with my uncles talking their uncle things.
  • My married female cousins will be grouped together talking about their blissful Boring Tai Tai lives (that means raising kids, cleaning house, changing diapers, more kids stories)
  • My unmarried female cousins will most probably be grouped together with the above group because they desperately wanna be in the above group. DESPERATE being the operative word here.
  • My guy cousins will be grouped together talking about, well, the usual. Think this is the only group I can communicate with.
  • My nieces and nephews will be running and screaming all over the place. OK, I'm not crazy about kids and will probably never be, until they go to college or loose their virginity.
  • Then there is me, sitting quietly in my dark corner thinking, "Aww crap, I am in hell! PLEASE GOD, deliver me to my salvation!"

There is no way I can talk to them about the things I've done without their eyes popping out and mom throwing a fit. If this were the middle ages, I have no doubt my lifestyle wil result in my banishment from the village, or if it were China, being put in a pig cage and thrown into the river.

Thank God I have a wonderful group of friends who can introduce and share these experiences with me. You guys make being the blacksheep something to be proud of :-)

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