Friday, August 24, 2007


It had to happen sometime, right? We don’t expect to go clubbing and not experience it at least once. Last weekend was my first in my decade plus clubbing experience.

We were enjoying ourselves dancing, drinking and just having a blast hanging out with friends when the lights came on, the music stopped and the DJ asked us to calm down. Then this mata-mata introduced himself and asked for the girls to go to one side of the room and the guys the other side. There was a long wait as the club management and the mata-mata stepped outside for a little negotiation.

To make a long story short, they finally let us out. At least, they started to let the guys out first after making a “show” of verifying their IDs. Obviously the term “women and children first” was not the order of the day. It was only later that they let the girls out. Later I learnt that the first batch that were let out went straight up the big car to be transported to the big house to spend the night.

Saw Awie there. Sheesh, the guy sure has deteriorated since his divorce with his long bleached hair tied up in a pony tail ala……what’s the name of that VJ guy on TV? The one with the dreadlocks? Hehehe can’t remember lah. I believe his name starts with a "D" or an "R". While we were waiting outside for the rest of our friends to come out, a second big car came along to transport more “lucky” souls to the big house. Since Awie’s entourage was part of that group, I believe he had to fork out some moolah to secure their release.

A friend of mine had a far less pleasant experience. That time, they didn’t even bother to check for ID on the spot. Just rounded everyone up to the big house where they spent the night. We were lucky the let us walk out the door without much trouble. Sure am glad I didn’t have to start my Sunday peeing in front of 50 other women or get my parents to come bail me out of jail. Still, the whole fiasco felt like a total waste of my time. The stern mata-mata standing guard at the door didn’t even bother to glance at my ID when I waved it in front of him. Come on, why bother conducting a raid when you don’t even do a proper job at it?

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