Friday, August 24, 2007

Spooky Stories

Well, it's that time of the year again. Actually I didn't realize it's here again until I saw the leftover joss sticks and candles on the roadside and my mom folding those prayer papers.

Yes people, it's Hungry Ghost Festival again. A time when the gates of Hell open to let out the many, well, hungry ghosts, to feed. Virgins are adviced to stay indoors after the sun sets while Chinese Opera and live concerts pop up in every district.

People will be well adviced to be extra careful in the things they say and do during this time at the risk of annoying the "Good Brothers". Unspeakable things have been known to befall those who pay no heed to this advice, so beware.....

The festival will last for about a month (1 think) but prayer sessions last for 3 days at different times of the month for different districts. Again, I am only guessing :p

During my childhood days the efigy of "Phor Thor Kong", a rather formidable and scary figure is erected at each district, but because it scares the kids (and because it's cheaper), some districts replace the efigy with just the name of the deity written on a red background.

Well, it's only fitting during this time that people share spooky tales, be it their own personal close encounters or some story they heard from a friend of a friend of a friend.

Well, this I heard from an ex colleague.

Auntie K lives in Kulim. There is a cemetery up the road from her house. At the stroke of midnight during the start of every Hungry Ghost Festival you can feel an eerie wind blow from the direction of the cemetery followed by loud cheering and sounds of a big crowd rushing down the road.

If you have worked with me in the factory before, the sound is not unlike the ruckus during lunch break. You know what it's like. With limited time and food, all of us want to make sure that we reach the cafeteria as early as possible.

Looks like hungry ghosts, whether dead or living are everywhere :D
Anyone else has any spooky stories to share?

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