Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And Then There Were Three

Our housekeeper introduced me to "Simone", the exotic looking potted fern with the feather like leaves which resemble the tail of some bird with a Chinese name I can't remember :p I chose Simone because she was the baby of the bunch, the one that has not developed a lot of leaves yet and I like to nurture my plants from young so I can see them grow. Also, Lucy was looking quite lonely, especially during the long weekends when Mommy is away from the office and can't give her any TLC. So it is good for her to have another plant for company.
Then the next day, I saw "Missy", a mini version of Lucy. Everything about Missy just scream of cutesieness, don't you think so, from her adorable little leaves to her little pot. OK so I was more attracted to her cute little pot. It's such a cheerful yellow color!
So that's how I ended up with my little garden in the office. My girls are relatively easy to take care of. No pruning, weeding, etc required, just water, lots of love and lively conversations. I think the first rule of thumb when choosing your plant, is to make sure they fit your personality. Like their Mommy, these girls do OK with just the artificial lighting and airconditioning in the office and don't require sun which suits me just fine since I am no sun worshipper myself and insist on the airconditioning turned on at full blast at all times.

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