Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Kids' Mentality Nowadays

There is an entertainment center in my office building where we like to have lunch. It is also a favorite place for students from nearby schools to congregate before or after school for lunch and to blow off some steam with the various games available.

Today when I went there for lunch, I noticed that the center had included in their offerings a few of those animal thingies. You know, those furry animals popular in shopping malls where kids can ride on and steer around the place. And guess who should be riding on those things but a group of girls in (gasp!) highschool uniforms no less.

Like, come on, Hon, you're in highschool! When I was your age I would rather shoot myself than be caught dead riding on one. It goes to show the level of maturity of kids nowadays. I mean, seriously, what self respecting individual, over the pacifier sucking age (pervs not included), will want to be seen in public steering a furry blue elephant around an entertainment center? Humiliating indeed!!!!

Trust me, if I had one of those high tech phones with video camera, I would have recorded the whole sorry episode and posted it on YouTube. It's mean, I know, but like they say, if someone wants to advertise their stupidity/immaturity............

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