Wednesday, July 11, 2007

CSI Interruptus

NTV7 should do something about its transmission problems (which is not so bad, but definitely more frequent than other channels). Watching CSI last night was like watching a rookie driving a stick shift.

It was still OK for New York. The frequent interruptions started just before Miami and by the time Vegas came in, it was so bad, half the story line was missing. Imagine, you are watching Catherine using technology to recreate the make up of a clown from the picture of his corpse so she can identify him, or Grissom, upon seeing something giving that thoughtful frown that means he's on the brink of breaking a case, and then................BLANK SCREEN!

Aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!! Not surprisingly, the only time when the transmission was smooth was during the commercial breaks, the only thing on TV that nobody watches. It's like being rudely awaken from a pleasant dream by construction work, or running out of gas when racing down the open road, or your mother dropping by just when you are about to have the biggest orgasm of your life!

Quoting the very popular Malaysian adage - POTONG STIM :(

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