Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Nokia N92 Wherefore Art Thou?

I have been waiting for Nokia to launch this phone in Malaysia since seeing how cool Tom Cruise looked with it in MI:3. Last rumor was that it will be launched in February 2007. Well, February has come and gone and the phone is still nowhere to be found :(

"Get some other phone, lah" my friends keep saying to me. Sure, there are lots of other good phones in the market nowadays with probably comparable features. Just one HUGE problem......they are not Nokia. You see, for me, no other phone will do unless it is a Nokia. Don't ask me why. It's a chemistry thing I guess. I just can't see myself using any other brands.

Go check out this page for an intro to the phone,n92,demo

So any Nokia employees out there know when they are gonna launch the phone? Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?

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